If you are wondering how to share something sweet on Valentine's Day, Maria has a suggestion: How about handing over a personal favor, like a lollipop? She has a step-by-step tutorial on making this clever homemade Valentine. It's simple, funny, and unique, and there's still time to make one for your Valentine.
Step one: Find something, like lollipops, or pencils. We love
Trader Joe's for offering dye-free, organic, fruit flavored lollipops. They are yummy
and thoughtful.
Step two: Take a picture. Stand with your fist, or both hands, as though you are holding something, something you want to share with a friend.
Imagine you have an umbrella in your fist. Be sure you hold your arm a bit to the side of your body, so that your treat will not cover your happy face.
We take a bunch pictures, adjusting the angles, and this way we can choose our favorite.
Step three: Decide how many prints you will need, and get ready to print your Valentine picture cards. Choose photo paper, or card stock, because you want the paper to be strong. Maria's picture is formatted 2 inches by 3 inches, and we printed ten per page.

Step four: Separate your pictures. Maria is eight years old, and she's had practice, so she's comfortable using our paper cutter. She can measure and cut, being careful of the sharp blade. Scissors would work too, but she's happy we have this handy tool for cutting thirty, or more, Valentine cards. She trims the edges, and leaves the blank space at the top, or bottom of each picture, so she has room to write "
Love, Maria"

Step five: Step five might be best for an adult to take care of. I use a very sharp crafting, or utility, knife. Above her fist I cut a small
X, and below her fist I cut a second small
X. These are just big enough for the stick of the lollipop to slip through.

Step six: Maria carefully slides a lollipop through the front and above her fist, then she guides it back below her fist. Now her Valentine picture has a treat to hand over to a friend!

Time to add a message, then she's ready to deliver her sweet Valentine greeting!
This is the fourth year for Maria to make these. They look funny, and different, every year!
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