With our youngest Love & Rockets maker posing for the image, William and Natalie collaborated and have designed the logo for our Make Club:

This Young Maker, is ready to learn and share her passion for S.T.E.A.M. We Love Art & Engineering. Science, Technology, Math, and Music are awesome, too! And we love our logo!
It was great working with William. I shared my photography, and I had very specific ideas of the look I wanted to achieve, and William has these great, self-taught, graphics skills. Yesterday, as we sat together tweaking the details, and figuring out colors, layout, and the look, we got even more excited about our club, Love & Rockets, about Maker Faire, this year, and next, and about all of our ideas, plans, and hopes for what we will be making in years to come.
If you are new to Make, I hope you are curious, and easily inspired... please visit these links:
Make's Blog, with regular updates and posts about who is out there developing, innovating, Making, and sharing!
Subscribe to Make Magazine, a DIY bonanza, with more than ideas... there are tutorials, photographs, and resource guides!
Find a Maker Faire near you and Make it your mission to attend, to participate, to get passionate about S.T.E.A.M. Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Music and Math are for everyone!
Get Crafty! The Make scene is about metal and fabric, ideas, art, collaboration, glue, thread, design, sustainability. Weave your interests into any creative activity you can think of, and enjoy the fun!
One more thing: Thank You! We get excited about the things we are doing, and sharing our passion with others is a really wonderful part of the experience. We are excited about Making, and we want you to be excited, too. So, share your ideas, and thoughts, start your own Make plans. We are happy you come by, visit our blog, and we appreciate your interest and comments. We'll be back here, soon, with more ideas and Make inspiration!
It is perfect, Natalie. It says it all. Perfectly. Axx
That is soooo nice. Very professional looking and innovative logo. Good job.
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