My parasol! Isn't it lovely? Yes, it is.
This was one gift from my children on Mother's Day. It will be the crowning touch to my Maker Faire ensemble. It inspired Maria to immediately compose a letter to Santa... the first of this year. "Dear Santa, may I please have a parasol, and a Mary Poppin's hat, just like mommy's?"
My own mommy is in Corvalis, with Ronnie, who is busy with dragonflies. Delia has been calling me regarding our Maker Faire plans and attire. She found goggles, which may replace the ones broken on the flight home (insert sad face for Alex.) She found a skirt, and some kind of a bodice or blouse, and also fabric which she is sure could be made into something lovely. She wants me to look for feathered birds, which perched on a hat would be steamy indeed. This has gotten me very excited, because it's nice to have a girlfriend to chat with about these creative fancies, these artful flights.

Here is the skirt, mommy. The one I told you I made last year. I wore it to a Chrononauts' event. I think it is less shiny in person... hmmm the flash is playing with the gold a bit much too. I should have been patient and waited for daylight.

This is a better representation. I am thinking of cinching up the hem, and letting a lacy petticoat show...

So, check out my thrifted lace stash! It was still in the thrift shop wrapping, and I finally broke it open tonight. I was happy when I thought it was one bundle of wide eyelet trim, but there are six different and generous lengths of lacy, vintage looking trimmings, and I paid 4.95$! Oh! Bargains are so. much. fun.

Maria wants to trim this tiny straw hat, then affix it to a headband... a darling idea. She has her dress all picked out, and plenty of hats to choose from. I need to settle on a top, and whether or not to lace up in a corset... a look that I love, but time (and nerve) may not be on my side. Hat, or fascinator? Feathers, or a bird? A band of flowers? I do want my rebozo, a touch of Adelita. Hmmmm... know where I can get a bandolera?! I could load it with chocolates, or other treasures.
Mommy, thank you. Even from afar, you have given me inspiration, and rekindled my play. You knew I needed that, didn't you? I love you.
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